OSOF Sustainable Me Challenge!

You will have probably guessed by now, by reading previous posts, that we are passionate about sustaining our earth for future generations. Martin's full time job is actually in energy management, helping large businesses reduce their energy consumption, looking at alternative energy uses and reducing their carbon footprint. At home and in our honey business we have substantially reduced what we send to the landfill, we avoid over packaging, try to avoid one use plastic, buy bulk, reuse or recycle as much as we can and purchase locally as much as possible. 

All Sweetree honeys are packaged in glass jars, our propolis in glass bottles, our bee pollen is available in glass jars and we have always used paper bags instead of plastic at the markets. We still have lots of work to do but we are getting better!

I believe that if everyone just starts somewhere and does a little bit (e.g. saying no to a straw) it will make a big difference to the future of our earth. It can be really hard to take on new behaviours and even harder with our busy lifestyles these days. I found it easier to start by following a few organised challenges like 'Plastic Free July' and 'Recycle Week', I just started out small and now many of those behaviours that I found hard are now automatic.

A Great Challenge!

'OSOF Sustainable Me | Our Seas Our Future' is a great way to start! Each month this year we will be challenged to test out an environmentally friendly behaviour that in some way impacts ocean health. It gives us the challenge to try something new for the month and decide if we want to adopt it more in our lives.

OSOF say "Give it a go for one month and see if you like it. If it’s something you can get on board with, great! Adopt it as part of your regular routine. If it’s a behavior that doesn’t work for you, that’s ok. After 12 months and 12 activities, you just might have a few new actions to add to your sustainability portfolio. If possible, rope a couple of friends or family members into participating with you. The more support you have, the more likely you are to keep up with the behaviours for a full month – enough time to decide whether or not it’s something you can take up for the long term."

Good luck and have fun! Let us know how you get on!
Check Out the Monthly Challenges so Far:




This article is included in Twinkl's Eco-Friendly and Sustainability campaign, and is part of their article Some great ideas to be more sustainable in 2021


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