Sweetree Honey & Flora Grape Bavarois

This a decadent dessert, great to try on a special night.


  • 200ml milk 
  • Zest of 1 large lemon 
  • 4 egg yolks (size 7) 
  • 160g Marokopa Spring honey 
  • 3 gelatine leafs or 1 1/2 tsp powder gelatine (for the bavarois) 
  • 1 cup cream (whipped) 
  • 1 tsp vanilla seed paste or 1/2 vanilla pod 
  • 150g red or black grapes (seeded and diced) 
  • 1/2 cup flora wine 
  • 1 tbsp Sweetree honey 
  • 2 gelatine leafs or 1 tsp powdered gelatine (for the wine jelly)


Before you start

Prepare a loose bottomed flan ring with a disc of greaseproof paper on the bottom or for a simpler way, just chill four glasses of your choice.  

To make the Bavarois (honey mousse)

Take a heavy-based saucepan and heat the milk with the lemon zest until boiling point. Whisk the eggs, vanilla and honey together until combined. Pour the hot milk on to the eggs and mix well. Add back into the saucepan and cook over a low heat for 5-10 minutes or until the mixture coats the back of the spoon. Make sure you keep stirring or it will split and turn to scrambled eggs.  

How to use Gelatine

If using leaf gelatine, soak it in some cold water until soft. If using powder gelatine, mix the powder gelatine with 1 tablespoon of cold water in a cup and place it in a water bath of simmering water. Wait until it turns into a clear liquid. Then whisk it into the custard to melt. Pass the custard through a fine strainer into a clean stainless steel bowl. Set the bowl into a sink of ice cold water and keep stirring until the custard as cooled down and starting to semi set. Gently fold through the whipped cream and grapes.  

Setting the mousse

Divide the mixture evenly between the four glasses or straight into the flan ring. Cover with a piece of glad-wrap and chill in the fridge for a couple of hours until set  

To make the Hilltop Flora Wine Jelly

Bring the wine and honey to the boil. Add in the gelatine to dissolve and place the pot into a bath of ice cold water. Cool the jelly right down. Pour the jelly over the top of the mousse and place back into the fridge to reset.  

Finishing the dessert

Toss some small grapes in a little melted honey and drain off in a fine sieve. Toss the grapes through some castor sugar until completely covered. Arrange nicely on top and serve with a nice chilled glass of Hilltop flora wine. Serves four. Note: If the custard sets too much while cooling it down on the ice, take the bowl and place.

Recipe created by Chef - Michael Daly


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