What Else Can we Do To Help our NZ Bees?

Here’s some ideas of what we can all do to help our NZ bees.

Garden organically.  If you struggle with that idea then look for bee friendly sprays and use them at dusk when the bees are back in their hives.  Avoid neonicotinoids with these ingredients: acetamiprid, imidacloprid, thiacloprid and thiamethoxam.  Also avoid spraying when plants are in flower.  Read information on this.
Grow plants in your garden that attract bees.  Bees love plants with ample amounts of pollen and nectar such as borage, lavender, rosemary, calendula and forget-me-not.  Remember bees are attracted to these colours: yellow, blue-green, blue and ultraviolet flowers, choose several colours.  Check out our list of bee friendly plants for your garden

You can purchase wildflower bee friendly seeds on our online store.   All the money from these seed sales go back to the National Beekeepers Association to help NZ bees. 

Supply water for the bees.  Create a shallow pond in your garden where bees can land on the edges to collect water.  Or place pebbles or twigs in a saucer of water so bees have something to stand on and drink.  Wet sand is another great option, pop it near flowering plants and water regularly.
Don’t mow your lawn too often, leave clover and dandelion in the lawn for a while for bees to forage on   (if you can stand it).
Eat more organic food to encourage producers to limit pesticides on crops.
Deal with bees swarms the right way. If you come across a swarm of bees please don’t call the exterminators but instead call your local beekeeping club.  ApiCulture NZ have some contact numbers on their website.  Having said this you do want to destroy wasp nests as they rob beehive honey stores.  You can pour petrol on their nests or contact a terminator.  Make sure you learn the difference between a bee and a wasp and between a wasp nest and natural beehive though!
Buy honey from beekeepers that care about bees.  Find out more about the honey you are eating and make sure it is from beekeepers who care about their bee’s health and not just about production. 
Spread the word, by letting people know this information and support any petitions or change in policy that further protects our bees.

 Read more on looking after our NZ bees here:


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